Caviar with cream

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Caviar with cream

The product has a very low caloric value (approximately 34 kcal per 100g), so you can use it without restrictions and without fear to grow stout.

Overdose alginic caviar impossible. For the prevention and treatment of the body of his lead and radioactive elements enough to eat every day just 10g this product. The most important place in the algae takes alginic acid (sodium alginate). Its medicinal properties have long been known. Today, sodium alginate has been used successfully in cosmetics as a base for creams and masks, in medicine, in the food industry for the production of ice cream, jelly, marmalade, mayonnaise, cooking and grocery products, such as alginic caviar.


Caviar with cream

More than 40 years ago in search of a safe and effective compounds capable of binding and rid the body of radionuclides and heavy metal salts were investigated algae. Research carried out in more than 10 countries, showed that the greatest efficiency in the removal of radionuclides have alginates - salt of alginic acid, which are the only source of kelp (Laminaria and Fucus). Sodium alginate has gelling properties?

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